The Framework blog presents information, insights, and opinions centered on B2B content marketing.
It is written primarily for B2B business and marketing leaders who want to broaden and deepen their understanding of content marketing and its application to their business.
Occasionally, we stray further from the reservation but always with one eye on the content marketing domain.
In 2023, we’ve published 49 posts on the Framework blog, totaling almost 80,000 words or about 320 pages. At a typical 200-250 words per minute, it would take you 5-7 hours to read them back-to-back.
Since that’s a horribly inefficient way of finding the information that’s most relevant to you, we’re dedicating our 50th post of the year to summarizing the previous 49.
We’ve grouped them under thematic headings for ease of reference, and included hyperlinks so you can get straight down to reading whatever’s of interest to you.
Whether you’re a regular reader or new to the Framework blog, thank you for spending your time with us! We hope you find something here that’s of value to your business.
To receive a free update each Wednesday that includes our latest blog content, a selection of B2B content marketing insights gathered from across the web, and quick, actionable tips for taking your content marketing to the next level, sign up today for our Substack newsletter.
Themes are sorted alphabetically. Blog posts are listed chronologically within each theme. Some posts are listed under more than one theme.
Authenticity and Anchoring
Commit to a Year of Authenticity in Your B2B Content Marketing (Jan 4th, 2023)
B2B buyers do business with brands they trust, and a primary way to build trust is by being authentic. This post discusses 5 steps to bring authenticity into your content.
Six Ways to Bring Purpose and Mission into Your B2B Content (Jan 25th, 2023)
Learn how to attract customers, employees, and investors by embedding purpose and mission in your day-to-day operations and then showcasing them in action.
To Be or To Do: A Question for B2B Content Marketers (Mar 15th, 2023)
Is your B2B content marketing about projecting an image of your business or helping others do something great? This post explores a question faced by many growing businesses.
How to Produce Authentic B2B Content Using ChatGPT (Sep 27th, 2023)
To produce authentic B2B content requires taking a hybrid approach, combining human experiences, opinions, and authorship with the speed and reach of ChatGPT.
Taking Down the Decorations - The Impact of Branding on B2B Content Marketing (Jan 18th, 2023)
B2B buyers make decisions based on emotions so the materials that evoke those emotions must be carefully branded. This post discusses 4 key elements of B2B content branding.
How to Harness the Power of Color in B2B Content Marketing (Jun 14th, 2023)
This post explains how colors evoke predictable emotional responses in an audience and how B2B content marketers can take advantage of this instinctive response.
Alpha Branding: Does a B2B Company Need a Big Personality? (Aug 30th, 2023)
A B2B brand's personality is an important ingredient in effective content marketing. This post discusses defining a B2B brand personality and how "big" it needs to be.
Getting to Grips with Fonts in B2B Content Marketing (Oct 18th, 2023)
This post explains how different fonts evoke a variety of emotions in the reader, when to use different font types in your B2B content, and some key font-related terminology.
Content Development and Delivery
An 8-Point Website Checklist for Effective B2B Content Marketing (May 24th, 2023)
Your company's website is important for B2B content marketing. This post provides guidance on how to design and optimize your site for maximum effectiveness.
Seven Ways to Set Your B2B Business Apart Using Content Marketing (May 31st, 2023)
Content marketing is a powerful tool for gaining a competitive advantage in the digital B2B landscape. This post explores 7 ways that content marketing can be utilized to drive success.
The Keys to Writing Compelling B2B Case Studies (Jun 21st, 2023)
Case studies are widely recognized as a powerful way to engage prospects. This post highlights important attributes that make a client case study compelling and believable.
The Questions We Should Be Asking About Generative AI and B2B Content Marketing (Jul 19th, 2023)
What questions should B2B content marketers be asking themselves before experimenting with generative AI technology? This post explores five areas to consider.
Harnessing the Power of User-Generated Content in a B2B Context (Jul 26th, 2023)
The power of user-generated content (UGC) is widely recognized in the B2C sector. This post explores how to bring its value into a B2B content marketing strategy.
Trust Economy - The Vital Role of Social Proof in B2B Marketing (Aug 16th, 2023)
B2B buyers rely on social cues when making purchasing decisions. This creates an impactful marketing opportunity when understood and pursued appropriately, as this post explains.
Turning B2B Buzzwords into B2B Buzz (Aug 23rd, 2023)
This post explains the significance of 10 content characteristics that are key to attracting and engaging a B2B audience, as well as tips on improving each of them in your work.
Why Your B2B Team is Afraid to Write Content (and How to Help Them) (Sep 6th, 2023)
People throughout B2B organizations have great content in their heads, but they're often afraid to write it down. This post explains why, and how to help them.
How to Produce Authentic B2B Content Using ChatGPT (Sep 27th, 2023)
To produce authentic B2B content requires taking a hybrid approach, combining human experiences, opinions, and authorship with the speed and reach of ChatGPT.
Maximizing the Value of Trade Shows in Your B2B Marketing Strategy (Oct 11th, 2023)
Trade shows remain a mainstay in B2B marketing. This post reviews important considerations for delivering maximum value from your B2B trade show investment.
Trick or Treat? Is Gated Content a Graveyard for B2B Content Marketing? (Nov 1st, 2023)
Gated content is a popular tactic for capturing leads, but it can backfire. This post explains the pros and cons, then explores 4 alternatives a B2B content marketer should consider.
Thanks for the Memories - Why Familiarity is Key to B2B Content Marketing (Nov 29th, 2023)
Successful B2B marketing requires showing up consistently with relevant, memorable content. This post explores why memorability is important and how to achieve it.
Content Marketing Framework
Use a B2B Content Marketing Framework to Avoid Random Acts of Marketing (Jan 11th, 2023)
Random acts of marketing are usually a waste of time and money, especially for B2B businesses. Learn how to avoid them by following a content marketing framework.
Do I Need to Follow a Process to Succeed at B2B Content Marketing? (Feb 8th, 2023)
Search and social media algorithms reward publishers that contribute on a regular basis, which means B2B content marketing success depends on having a process.
The Six Defining Characteristics of the B2B Content Marketing River (Mar 1st, 2023)
This post examines the characteristics of a river as a metaphor for effective B2B content marketing, showing how consistent publication is key to maximizing the impact of your content.
A Bite-Sized Guide to the B2B Buyer's Journey (Apr 26th, 2023)
This post breaks the often misunderstood B2B buyer's journey into bite-sized chunks, handy tips, and readily deployed concepts.
Speak B2B Content Marketing Like a Native (Sep 20th, 2023)
This post provides a glossary of B2B content marketing terms, aimed at professionals who are new to content marketing but want to get involved.
Has AI Fundamentally Changed the B2B Buyer's Journey? (Dec 13th, 2023)
AI is impacting every walk of life, but what about the B2B buyer's journey and the content marketing that feeds it? This post explores the issues and opportunities at hand.
Content Marketing Strategy
Five Things Smart CEOs Get Wrong About B2B Content Marketing (Feb 22nd, 2023)
Content marketing is mission critical for B2B companies but many CEOs are confused about what that means and what it will take. This post addresses 5 common misconceptions.
11 Critical Tasks Content Marketing Can Accomplish for Your B2B Business (Mar 8th, 2023)
B2B content marketing isn't just about generating sales opportunities. In this post, we explore other ways content marketing can benefit a B2B business.
Why B2B Sales Should Go All In on Content Marketing (Mar 22nd, 2023)
Salespeople who are skeptical about supporting B2B content marketing efforts should get fully onboard because it is a ticket to success, not an enemy.
Why the Middle of B2B Content Marketing Isn't Messy or Mediocre - It's Magical (Mar 29th, 2023)
Contrary to popular opinion, the middle ground in B2B content marketing is neither messy nor mediocre. This post explores why it's magical.
8 Ways to Self-Destruct Your B2B Content Marketing (May 10th, 2023)
This post explores 8 destructive ways B2B content marketing teams undermine the hard work they've done, and how to avoid or fix them.
Managing Your B2B Content Strategy While it's Under Construction (May 17th, 2023)
Like a transportation facility, your digital properties must function effectively even while under construction. This post shares some tips on minimizing visitor confusion and frustration.
Demonstrating Thought Leadership as Part of a B2B Marketing Strategy (Jun 28th, 2023)
B2B thought leadership establishes credibility and trust, which leads to engagement and sales. This post explores how to make that happen and some mistakes to avoid.
Futureproofing Your B2B Marketing Strategy (Jul 12th, 2023)
Marketing is constantly changing so it's important to anticipate threats and opportunities. This post describes several active trends to consider for the future of your B2B marketing strategy.
The Questions We Should Be Asking About Generative AI and B2B Content Marketing (Jul 19th, 2023)
What questions should B2B content marketers be asking themselves before experimenting with generative AI technology? This post explores five areas to consider.
The Mindset Shift About B2B Buyers That Will Transform Your Outlook on Revenue (Aug 9th, 2023)
Most revenue generation happens after the initial sale, which requires thinking differently about the B2B customer lifecycle. This post explains the 4-part mindset shift that's needed.
Nine Beliefs That Doom a Content Marketing Strategy to Failure (Oct 4th, 2023)
This post summarizes 9 unhelpful beliefs that leaders often hold, condemning their B2B content marketing strategy to failure, as well as tips for avoiding them.
Maximizing the Value of Trade Shows in Your B2B Marketing Strategy (Oct 11th, 2023)
Trade shows remain a mainstay in B2B marketing. This post reviews important considerations for delivering maximum value from your B2B trade show investment.
8 Lessons B2B Marketing can Learn from Formula 1 Motorsport (Nov 8th, 2023)
The worlds of marketing and motorsport are both competitive and cutthroat. This post explores 8 lessons marketing can learn from the way F1 teams go about their business.
Marketing Your B2B Business (For M&A, Not Product Sales) (Nov 15th, 2023)
B2B marketing has a bigger role to play than just generating new revenue. This post explores how marketing supports enterprise value creation and communication.
Five End-of-Year Fallacies a B2B Marketer Must Avoid (Dec 6th, 2023)
The end of year "push" can be a waste of time and money for B2B marketers. This post explains five mistakes to avoid and what to consider doing instead.
Has AI Fundamentally Changed the B2B Buyer's Journey? (Dec 13th, 2023)
AI is impacting every walk of life, but what about the B2B buyer's journey and the content marketing that feeds it? This post explores the issues and opportunities at hand.
Customer Understanding and Focus
5 Prime Sources for B2B Content (Apr 5th, 2023)
Once you've selected the topics about which your company is going to publish, where do you turn for inspiration? This post explores 5 important sources to consider.
The Role of Blogs in B2B Content Marketing (Apr 19th, 2023)
Blogs are everywhere these days, but are they helpful and worth the effort? This post explores several important roles a blog can play in B2B content marketing.
A Bite-Sized Guide to the B2B Buyer's Journey (Apr 26th, 2023)
This post breaks the often misunderstood B2B buyer's journey into bite-sized chunks, handy tips, and readily deployed concepts.
The Five Percent Rule and Why it is Critical for B2B Content Marketing (May 3rd, 2023)
Only about 1 in 20 of your target buyers is ready to purchase right now. This post explores the 5% rule, why it matters, and how to create effective content that targets your entire audience.
Harnessing the Power of User-Generated Content in a B2B Context (Jul 26th, 2023)
The power of user-generated content (UGC) is widely recognized in the B2C sector. This post explores how to bring its value into a B2B content marketing strategy.
Most B2B Content Answers All the Wrong Questions (Aug 2nd, 2023)
Many companies' content is nothing more than a digital catalog. This post explores how to deliver effective B2B content marketing that addresses prospects actual needs and wants.
Peeling Back the Layers: The Onion Approach to B2B Content (Sep 13th, 2023)
The layers of an onion can be used as a metaphor for content themes about which a B2B company might consider writing, starting with in-house knowledge and culminating in macro topics.
If Sex Sells, What Markets? (Oct 25th, 2023)
The axiom "sex sells" is used widely in the media industry, but it's a strategy that can backfire badly. This post explores four other axioms more likely to deliver B2B marketing success.
Following Through
Avoid B2B Content Marketing Hacks and Learn to Help Instead (Feb 15th, 2023)
Get-rich-quick schemes are self-defeating. Real results take time, grow slowly, and require hard work. The secret to successful B2B content marketing is being helpful.
A Game of Two Halves - Conducting a Midyear Marketing Review (Jul 5th, 2023)
This post provides prompts for reflecting on first half performance and making changes for the six months ahead, helping to realign and motivate your B2B marketing team.
Thanks for the Memories - Why Familiarity is Key to B2B Content Marketing (Nov 29th, 2023)
Successful B2B marketing requires showing up consistently with relevant, memorable content. This post explores why memorability is important and how to achieve it.
B2B Content Marketing is a Team Sport. Learn to Lead Accordingly (Feb 1st, 2023)
Effective content marketing requires intentional, conscientious leadership at all levels in your organization. This post explores why, and how to make it happen.
A Short Essay in Defense of Marketing (Jun 7th, 2023)
Marketing gets a bad rap despite many opportunities to use it for good. Here, we make the case for marketing having a positive impact, while examining how it can be misused.
Why Your B2B Team is Afraid to Write Content (and How to Help Them) (Sep 6th, 2023)
People throughout B2B organizations have great content in their heads, but they're often afraid to write it down. This post explains why, and how to help them.
Writing Books: Why, How, and Was It Worth It? (Apr 12th, 2023)
I recently published two books on B2B content marketing. This post explains why, how, and some things I learned along the way.
Speak B2B Content Marketing Like a Native (Sep 20th, 2023)
This post provides a glossary of B2B content marketing terms, aimed at professionals who are new to content marketing but want to get involved.
Marketing Your B2B Business (For M&A, Not Product Sales) (Nov 15th, 2023)
B2B marketing has a bigger role to play than just generating new revenue. This post explores how marketing supports enterprise value creation and communication.
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